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5 Ways To Do Kick Scooter Tricks For Beginners (Complete With Pictures)

How To Do Kick Scooter Tricks For Beginners - Want to look like the people who do backflips and 360s on their scooters at the skate park? You don't have to be a pro to perform cool tricks on your scooter. Once you get the stance right, you can start practicing some beginner scooter tricks like the bunny hop and the tailwhip. Before you know it, you'll be pulling off more impressive tricks to show off on the halfpipe.

  • Get the attitude down

5 Ways to Do Beginner Kick Scooter Tricks

Place your dominant foot on the back of the scooter deck. Your foot should be at a 45 degree angle to the edge of the deck. The outside edge of your foot should be right up against the edge of the brake.

If you are normal footed (your right foot is dominant) your legs and feet should be rotated to the right side of the scooter.

If you are Goofy Foot (your left foot is dominant) your legs and feet should be rotated to the left side of the scooter.

5 Ways to Do Beginner Kick Scooter Tricks

Place your other foot on the scooter deck next to your dominant foot. Your big toe on your dominant foot should line up with the groove on the inside of your other foot. The inside edges of both feet should touch.

5 Ways to Do Beginner Kick Scooter Tricks

Put your hands on the handlebar grips. Wrap your fingers around the grips for a firm grip on the handlebars.

5 Ways to Do Beginner Kick Scooter Tricks

Step off with your back foot. Use your back foot to move forward whenever you want the scooter to move. Put your foot back on the deck in the same position it was in before.

  • Do a bunny hop

5 Ways to Do Beginner Kick Scooter Tricks

Push off with the back foot to propel yourself on the scooter. Don't push off too hard; It will be easier to practice the trick if you slow down a little.

5 Ways to Do Beginner Kick Scooter Tricks

Bend your knees and then push yourself up with your legs. It should feel like you're jumping up. You want to propel yourself from the crouched position on the scooter. Keep your feet on the deck.

5 Ways to Do Beginner Kick Scooter Tricks

Pull up with your arms while pushing up with your legs. Pull the handlebars up so that the front wheel of the scooter is about one foot (0.3 meter) off the ground.

5 Ways to Do Beginner Kick Scooter Tricks

Allow the rear wheel to lift off the ground as you push and pull up. At this point, both wheels should be about 0.3 meters in the air. Make sure both feet are still on the deck.

5 Ways to Do Beginner Kick Scooter Tricks

Let the scooter fall back to the ground. Both wheels should touch the ground at the same time. Continue to drive forward with both feet on the deck.

  • Learn barspin

5 Ways to Do Beginner Kick Scooter Tricks

Take your left hand off the handlebars when riding the scooter. Keep your free hand about 6 inches from the handlebars so you can easily grab them again when they come back.

Practice standing up at first. You'll have an easier time getting the moves down.

5 Ways to Do Beginner Kick Scooter Tricks

Lift the front wheel off the ground and turn the handlebars clockwise. Rotate the handlebars 180 degrees and keep your right hand on them as you rotate them.

5 Ways to Do Beginner Kick Scooter Tricks

Reach under your right hand with your left hand and grasp the handlebars. Make sure you reach under your right hand and not over it.

5 Ways to Do Beginner Kick Scooter Tricks

Release your right hand and turn the handlebars 180 degrees clockwise. This time, use your left hand to rotate the handlebars and hold them while you rotate them.

5 Ways to Do Beginner Kick Scooter Tricks

Grip the handlebars with your right hand. Both hands should now be back in their original position on the handlebars.

  • Make a tail whip

5 Ways to Do Beginner Kick Scooter Tricks

Do a clockwise tailwhip if you regularly stand on your scooter. Standing regularly means riding with your right foot on the back of the scooter.

5 Ways to Do Beginner Kick Scooter Tricks

Do a counter-clockwise tailwhip when standing stupid on your scooter. Standing Goofy means riding your left foot on the back of the scooter.

5 Ways to Do Beginner Kick Scooter Tricks

Practice bunny hopping. You have to bunny hop to do a tailwhip, so practice the bunny hop until you're sure you can. The higher your ability to bunny hop, the easier it will be to whip your tail.

5 Ways to Do Beginner Kick Scooter Tricks

Push off and bunny hop. Remember to push off with your legs and pull up with your arms to get both wheels in the air.

5 Ways to Do Beginner Kick Scooter Tricks

Use your front foot to push off the deck so it spins 360 degrees. At this point, both feet are in the air. Keep both hands on the handlebars and wait for the deck to spin again.

5 Ways to Do Beginner Kick Scooter Tricks

Stop the deck with your back foot as it comes back. You want your back foot to land on the back of the scooter so the deck stops spinning.

5 Ways to Do Beginner Kick Scooter Tricks

Put your front foot back on the deck. Your front foot should land on the deck of the scooter almost simultaneously with your back foot. At this point, the scooter should fall back to the ground. Both feet should be on the deck.

  • Make a one-handed

5 Ways to Do Beginner Kick Scooter Tricks

Kick off with your back foot and bunny hop. Try to get as high in the air as possible so you have more time to perform the trick.

5 Ways to Do Beginner Kick Scooter Tricks

Release the handlebars with one of your arms once you are in the air. Release your non-dominant hand when you first start. You'll find it easier to keep your balance if your dominant hand is still on the handlebars.

5 Ways to Do Beginner Kick Scooter Tricks

Stretch your arm out to the side so it's parallel to the floor. Try to keep your arm extended the entire time you are in the air. If you feel yourself losing your balance, grab the handlebars again.

5 Ways to Do Beginner Kick Scooter Tricks

After landing, hold onto the handlebars again. Both hands should be on the handlebars at this point. Push off again and try the trick again.

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