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How To Ride A "hoverboard" (two-wheeled Self-balancing Scooter)

How To Ride A "hoverboard" (two-wheeled Self-balancing Scooter) - So you have a two wheel self balancing scooter - now you want to learn how to drive it. It's super easy to learn and even easier than learning to ride a full size Segway! Start with step 1 and you'll be sailing smoothly in no time.

  • Step on something

How to Ride a

1. Read the user manual first, if available. (Don't worry if it doesn't include one, many brands don't).

How to Ride a

2. Turn on the scooter.

The power button is usually a silver button located on the back near the charging port.

How to Ride a

3. Check the battery indicator to see if the battery is full. If it doesn't, charge it with the included cable.

How to Ride a

4. Place the scooter next to something you can hold on to.

How to Ride a

5. Hold on to the object and step on it with one foot.

There is often a light 'next to the battery indicator, if it turns green you can safely put your second foot down, if it's red turn off the board and try again. If the problem persists, contact the supplier.

How to Ride a

6. Gently place your second foot.

If the scooter moves well, just reposition it and start again.

Keep going until you get it right.

How to Ride a

7. When you achieve your balance, gently point your toes forward to walk forward.

  • Learn to manoeuvre

How to Ride a

1. Once you can walk forward unaided, begin turning.

How to Ride a

2. To rotate clockwise, place only your right toes on it. you will turn around

It is very important to keep your other foot horizontal, not doing so will counteract the rotation and throw you off balance.

How to Ride a

3. To rotate counterclockwise, put your left toes down.

How to Ride a

4. To walk backwards, lean back.

How to Ride a

5. Treat inclines with care. Most self-balancing mini scooters can climb inclines of up to 15 degrees, although this varies by brand.

How to Ride a

6. Watch your speed. Usually when you hit top speed you will hear a beep. This tells you that you have reached maximum speed and should slow down.

Now you can start making turns and driving at decent speeds!

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